2013. július 13., szombat
Actualy playlist
1. SPIRITUAL BEGGARS: Another Way To Shine
2. MAGMA RISE: Man In The Maze
3. DARK ANGEL: Darkness Descends
4. FLOODGATE: Penalty
5. AUTOPSY: The Headless Ritual
6. DISMEMBER: Complete Demos
7. CYNIC: Focus
8. LEGACY: Full Scale Invasion
9. XENTRIX: Shattered Existence
10. SIEGES EVEN: Cycles
2013. június 27., csütörtök
Actual playlist
2. BLACK SABBATH: Black Sabbath
3. BLACK SABBATH: Paranoid
4. BLACK SABBATH: Master Of Reality
5. MOOD: Slow Down
6. DOWN: Nola
8. BLACK SABBATH: Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
10. ST. VITUS: Children Of Doom
2013. június 4., kedd
Actual playlist
2. OZZY OSBOURNE: The Ultimate Sin
3. G/Z/R: Plastic Planet
4. MERCILESS: The Awakening
5. ASPHYX: The Rack
6. FANATIC ATTACK: Waiting To Rot
8. S. D. I.: Sign Of The Wicked
9. ANVIL: Hope In Hell
10. MEZZROW: Then Came The Killing
2013. április 11., csütörtök
So Mikael, what was your idea/goal to form AGGRESSIVE MUTILATOR two years ago? From where come the idea to establish the band?
Hello and thanks for doing this interview and for being interested in our music. I am a very big fan of hard music and drawing so it was natural that I wanted to play myself and do my own artwork. And I always have liked horror-movies, monsters, vampires, skeletons and ghost-stories so this music fits me very well. To be creative, you could say was the main reason to establish this band. Also a reason to start it was to use it as a way to speak. I am a bit shy and this is one of my ways to speak.
What bands would you cite as your musical influences?
Oh thats many diffrent band. Both member in Aggressive Mutilaor like hardrock from the seventies most of all. Thats what influenceses us to play. Right now I am very much in to Queen, and have been since i was like 13. I love there first two albums, they are masterpices. But For Aggressive Mutilator the inspiration, music wise, mostley comes from bands like, Entombed, Treblinka, Holocausto, Mayhem, Sepultura, Nifelheim, Celtic Frost/Hellhammer and Bathory, you get it!. Also a lot of punk is a big influence, like Sex Pistols and the Clash and other swedish raw punk bands like Moderat Likvidation and Rövsvett.
Is it your first band or did you play already in previous acts before?
No, I played in some other bands long time ago. But none of them made any progress so they died without any significant remark. And also this was before I got in to Black Metal.
Do you consider AGGRESSIVE MUTILATOR a project or a –so called- normal band?
From the begining it was a projeckt, when I was the only member. But now that we are two members and have released a lot of demos it is moore like a band nowdays.
Would you say, that you want the flame of old school thrash/black metal keeping alive?
Yes you could say that. We are both not interested in making radical changes in the sound. It is also easier for the listener, so they know what the are listening to. If you like a big and fat production then you shold listen to someting else, we make this mucis for those who really like primitive and raw old school BM.
I read on your bandcamp site, that the free creativity is important and also the minimalistic artwork, how would you comment it?
Thanks for asking, because the creativity is one of the most important thing in this band.
You are free to make you own thing and with a artwork that you would like yourself. We can mix punk and BM as we like. The artwork in inspired by Swedish bands from the eighties like Nihlist and Morbid.
In 2012 you released three demos and a single, from which the first demo Skull Torture and the Gutpuking – Satan’s Hammer 7” was recorded only by yourself, how did that happen? What about the recording sessions as a whole?
Yes the first two releases did by myself, I did not had anyone to play with.. I am very thankfull for playing with Micael Zetterberg now, he knows this music very well an have played in etablished bands also. All of our recording have been done very fast. We mostly do them in our rehersal room, with like 2 microphones. First we record drums and guitar on one track. Then we add like 3 moore tracks on top of that. And then some mixing and then it is finsihed.
At which point did Micael Zetterberg join the band who also takes part in bands, such as TERRORAMA, WARDENCLYFFE, but also played in SPETALSK and FORGOTTEN WORDS? Is he a session musician or a full time member?
We meet at work (the cemetary) an he knew I was playing and was into same kind of music, so we started to play togheter. It is not so many people here in Norrköping which are into this kind of music.
Didn’t you think about to have a second guitarist or a permanent drummer or bassist in the band? Do you continue/do AGGRESSIVE MUTILATOR as a two-piece act?
Yes maybe we will take in other members if we will play live sometime. But it is very hard to find somone who really like this kind of primitive/extreme music in our town. Now Micael is playing bass-guitar and drums and I do the vocals and guitar and it is working fine for our recordings.
Crushed By Tyranny and War Of Extermination were released also in 2012, were the songs ready, when Micael joined the band or did he also have the opportunity to write some tunes or parts?
On those two recordings we have done it all toghter. Micael has done all drums and also written some of the songs.
How do you view that War Of Extermination is bringing many good old memories from a time long lost?
Thanks for the fine words, sound very fine that it does. We are both big Bathory fans and hope that this in some way can refer do that period.
This year you released They Want To Cut Off My Head, is it a better representation of the band in your opinion?
Yes that one is our best release so far. Raw production, simpe songs and angry vocals. This is how we want to sound.
Is this last release a big leap forward compared to the previous ones?
Yes we think so, the earlier one are fine but this one is the best we think. Better songs and a more raw recording.
How do you view, that you has been very active since the inception of AGGRESSIVE MUTILATOR and it’s nice to hearhow the music’s quality is taking part and progresses from release to release?
Thanks for appreciating the progress in our music. We want to put focus on the making of the music. When we are playing it is just focus on the songs, no jamming. We want the music to be the important thing. The joy of beeing some guys in a room playing toghter, having fun, is not the most importat thing. This is usualy what destroyes the cretivity, when focus is on the fun in playing rather then on being creative. We are rather listening to somone who have something interesting to say than to somone who are a skilled guitar player.
The base is a some kind of „I don’t give a fuck” attitude, isn’t it?
Yes thats right, we don care what other thinks about this. Of cours it is important when people like it, it makes us very glad. But we dont play and hoping that all people will like us. That not what we intend to do, that everyone should like us. But (as said) we get happy when people into this kind of music, appreciate it.
Do you have a very own expression and sound?
Not really, the music is not so orginal. But the lyrics maybe are a bit diffrent than other BM band. They are about terror, sickness, racism and native american rituals, for example. No trendy occultism, grim reallity...
Crushed By Tyranny was a promotional CD-R, while the other stuffs were released on tape, was your goal perhaps to send the material to attract some label interests or…?
We have 3 release on the way. Blazing obscurity record in costa rica will release our first recorings on one tape. It will be out now in april 2013, hopefully. Then we have one release on Extinction productions in chile. That well be a tape with both ”war of extermination” and ” they want to cut of my head”. Will also be out soon, hopefully this spring. In the summer of 2013 we will be on a compilation tape released by Swedish label ”To the death”. It will be a follow upp to the compilation tape ”Nidingsdåd och andra muntrationer” tape.
Why are your releases limited? Are they sold out?
Oh that is becuse I got lazy and did get tired of copying tapes, after have done like 120 tapes. Did all the layouts by myself and did all of the artworks, but I like working with that. There are some tapes left to order from www.ihate.se. Metal label/distro from Norrköping Sweden.
What about your new/next effort Death Toll 6? Can you say some details about it?
It was finished just some days ago, 4 new song and 1 cover (Massacra by Hellhammer).The songs are as good as on the last tape. Maybe better. It also have amazing artwork made by Klaudiusz Witczak from Poland, Who also have done artowk for SABBATH from Japan. The artwork is inspired by the Thin Lizzy - Fighting album cover. We are looking for someone to release it now.
Do you plan to record and release a full length record too?
We hope we will be able to do that, but we have not got any final signs from any record label yet.
Sweden has/had a lot of cool old school influenced thrash/death/black metal bands, such as HYPNOSIA, NIFELHEIM, MAZE OF TORMENT, SUICIDAL WINDS, GUILLOTINE, DEFLESHED, TERRORAMA to name a few, they left their mark on the underground scene, made a name for themselves, what do you think about them? How do you view the present Swedish underground movement/scene as a whole?
We very much like Hypnosia, Nifelheim So there are som really great bands out here.
There was many great metal bands from here in the past, but now we dont really know, we are not so familar with Swedens underground scene around here.
Mikael, thank a lot for your answers, anything to add that I forgot to mention?
Thank you Leslie, Very fine questions hope you like the answers and that people in Hungary will be interested to listening to Aggressive Mutilator. Here you can see our upcoming release by Blazing Ocurity Records. http://blazingobscurity.blogspot.se/
2013. április 9., kedd
Current Playlist
1. DEATH: Scream Bloody Gore/Leprosy
2. BARBED WIRE: Demo '91
3. ANTHRAX: State Of Euphoria
4. DEAF DEALER: Keeper Of The Flame/Journey Into Fear
5. MOONLESS: Calling All Demons
6. RAZOR: Evil Invaders/Malicious Intent
7. MINOR THREAT: Complete Discography
8. ACCEPT: Balls To The Wall/Metal Heart
9. HYPNOSIA: Everything
10. BLACK FLAG: Damaged
2013. március 27., szerda
Actual playlist
1. SEPULTURA: Schizophrenia
2. OBITUARY: Slowly We Rot
3. INFERNÖ: Downtown Hades/Utter Hell
4. KREATOR: Terrible Certainty
5. SODOM: Agent Orange
6. BEWITCHED: Diabolical Desecration/Pentagram Prayer
7. MALEVOLENT CREATION: The Ten Commandments
9. AURA NOIR: Deep Tracts Of Hell/Out To Die
10. GUILLOTINE: Under The Guillotine
2013. március 17., vasárnap
Obituary - Cause Of Death

2013. március 11., hétfő
Sacred Reich - Surf Nicaragua

2013. március 10., vasárnap
Nasty Savage - Indulgence


Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence

2013. március 8., péntek
Current Playlist
1. ANNIHILATOR: Alice In Hell/Never Neverland
2. DEATHSTORM: As Death Awakes
4. TESTAMENT: The Legacy
5. REVENANT: Prophecies Of A Dying World
6. NAPALM DEATH: From Enslavement To Obliteration
7. REPULSION: Horrified
8. NIHILIST: 1987 - 1989 - The Demo Collection
9. RIPPING CORPSE: Dreaming With The Dead
10. BRUTAL TRUTH: Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses
Torture - Storm Alert

Cyclone - Brutal Destruction

2013. március 2., szombat
Actual playlist
1. MORBID ANGEL: Domination
2. TESTAMENT: The New Order
3. CYCLONE: Brutal Destruction
4. DEATHSTORM: As Death Awakes
7. TORTURE: Storm Alert
8. IRON KOBRA: Dungeon Masters
9. SACRED REICH: Ignorance
10. VIO-LENCE: Eternal Nightmare
2013. február 2., szombat
Actual faves
1. SOUNDGARDEN: Badmotorfinger
2. ENFORCER: Death By Fire
3. MACHINE HEAD: Burn My Eyes
4. FARYCRY: Slaves Of Chaos
5. ANGERTEA: Nr. 4 Songs Exhaled
6. EVIL SHEPHERD: Evil Through Darkness And Darkness Through Death
9. CYCLONE: Brutal Destruction
10. EUROPE: The Final Countdown
2013. január 11., péntek
My actual playlist
1. WITCHBURNER: Bloodthirsty Eyes
2. ASPHYX: Everything
3. KILL WITH HATE: Voices Of Obliteration
4. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM: Doomsday For The Deceiver
5. 1349: Beyond The Apocalypse
6. BATHORY: The Return
7. ABHORRENCE: Completely Vulgar
8. PHLEGETHON: Drifting In The Crypt
10. BELIAL: Wisdom Of Darkness Ep/Never Again
2013. január 3., csütörtök
Top 20 metal records of 2012 - 2012 legjobb 20 metal albumai
1. CANDLEMASS: Psalms For The Dead
2. KILL DEVIL HILL: Kill Devil Hill
3. ASPHYX: Deathhammer
4. TESTAMENT: Dark Roots Of Earth
5. GRAND SUPREME BLOOD COURT: Bow Down Before The Blood Court
6. SYMPHONY OF SYMBOLS: Stupefying Beliefs
9. HOODED MENACE: Effigies Of Evil
10. KILL WITH HATE: Voices Of Obliteration
11. DESASTER: The Arts Of Destruction
13. NEUROSIS: Honors Found In Decay
14. ABIOTIC: Symbiosis
15. ARKAIK: Metamorphignition
16. EARTHEN GRAVE: Earthen Grave
18. CHAPEL OF DISEASE: Summoning Black Gods
19. SINISTER: The Carnage Ending
20. ST. VITUS: Lille: F-65
The best metal releases and sum up of 2012 - 2012 legjobb metal kiadványai és értékelése
Újabb egy év telt el. Sem olvasóinkat, sem kollégáimat nem akarom untatni, de ez év szeptemberéig azért jelentkeztem kevesebb írással, mert egy nagyon súlyos magánéleti problémákkal teli 18 hónapon vagyok túl és az eltelt időszakban nem volt időm illetve kedvem írni a Kronos Mortus-ra. Jobban mondva hat évvel ezelőtt elkezdődött egy magánéleti pokoli körforgás, melynek kicsúcsosodása volt az eltelt 18-19 hónap. Mindenekelőtt köszönetemet és hálámat fejezem ki főszerkesztőnknek Northwar-nak, aki mindvégig mellettem állt, támogatott és nem rúgott ki a szerkesztőségből komoly csúszásaim ellenére sem. Úgy tűnik felálltam a padlóról, a sorok rendeződtek és a régi munkakedvvel, fanatizmussal vetem magam újra a munkába.
Az idei év metal termését illetően, volt miből válogatnunk. Mindezek ellenére, egészségtelennek tartom, hogy az események az Internet hatására ennyire felgyorsultak, amit a „saját bőrünkön” is tapasztalhatunk, hiszen majdnem 1000 feldolgozatlan anyag áll a rendelkezésünkre. A kiadók pedig csak küldik, küldik a hallgatni valókat. Félreértés ne essék, nem panaszkodom, csak nem tartom jónak, hogy havonta 15-20 album jelenik meg, amiről írni kellene. Ráadásul több mint a felük hulladék. Aki velem egykorú –közel a negyedik X-hez-, tudja jól, hogy a ’80-as, de még a ’90-es évek közepéig nem volt jellemző ez a tömegtermelés. Mindenki meg akarja magát mutatni, prezentálni, képviselni akarja magát a színtéren? Nem tudom. Lényeg, hogy abnormális a jelenleg kialakult helyzet és nem hiszem, hogy ez a jövőben változni fog.
Ami 2012-t illeti, nem volt egyszerű az év végi Top 20 összeállítása. Az már nagyjából áprilisban eldőlt, hogy az új Candlemass korong lesz az év lemeze, melyet a Kill Devil Hill bemutatkozása és az Asphyx új anyaga követ, onnantól kezdve mondhatni napról-napra változott a helyzet. Rengeteg albumot dolgoztam fel, hallgattam meg idén is és nagyon nehéz volt a választás. Elsősorban death metal fronton volt túlkínálat, rengeteg zseniális death metal album látott idén napvilágot. Mivel elsősorban az extrém zenékért rajongok, értelemszerűen a death, thash és black metal kiadványokat követtem figyelemmel, de mivel –ugyanakkor- zeneileg mindenevőnek tartom magam (csak legyen jó muzsika) a többi stílust (power, doom, progresszív, stoner stb.) próbáltam figyelemmel kísérni. Időhiány miatt voltak olyan zenék, amiről lemaradtam, nem szereztem tudomást, esetleg megvannak, de nem sikerült azokat meghallgatnom, ezért a 20-as listám egy kicsit „elhamarkodott”. Ha 40-et kellett volna (vagy kellene) összeírnom, könnyebb lenne a helyzet(em).
Mit várok 2013-tól? Metalt, metalt és még több metalt. Az eddig befutott anyagok közül a Convulse visszatérő Ep-je és az új Witchburner album nagyon süti, a „többit” pedig majd meglátjuk. Remélem a Black Sabbath tényleg megjelenteti lemezét Ozzy-val, örülnék végre egy vadonatúj Bolt Thrower albumnak is, remélem lesz új Hail Of Bullets anyag is és még napestig sorolhatnám kívánságaimat. Úgy gondolom, 2013-ban sem maradunk kitűnő hallgatnivalók és meglepetések (legyen szó pozitívról vagy negatívról) nélkül és remélem jó koncerteknek sem leszünk híján. Mivel év végén a hazai death metal színtér (pl. Kill With Hate, Effrontery) azt mutatta, hogy az itthoni death metal bandákban megvan a potenciál az áttörésre, remélem egyre többen állnak majd be a sorba és vesznek róluk példát, hogy ma, az Internet korában is érdemes zenélni, cd-t kiadni. Bízom abban, hogy a magyar metal színtér fejlődése töretlen marad, hiszen az idei év kiválóan bizonyította, mennyi zseniális bandánk –stílustól függetlenül- van (pl. Aebsence, Dreams After Death, Witchcraft, Room Of The Mad Robots, Symphony Of Symbols, Angertea, Sin Of God), amelyek egytől-egyig nyugati színvonalú produkciót tettek le a fémzene asztalára. Kívánok olvasóinknak és kollégáimnak békés, boldog, sikerekben és fémzenében gazdag, boldog új esztendőt!
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