I never forget the moment, when I saw the cover of Exhorder's Slaughter in the vatican record for the first time. It was so impressive, shocking and cool! It became my favourite album cover for sure. Then I listened to the material and I was blown away by that intense, vicious, raw, technical thrash metal music. In my opinion Exhorder made a name for themselves on an underground level, but they could have been bigger! Undoubtely, Slaughter... is one of the best thrash metal records of all time. Kyle Thomas speaks about the band and about his career.
So Kyle, how and when did you metal discover back then and what were the records what you worshipped so much? What were some of the bands that you truly enjoyed immensely?
My brother and I were exposed to Led Zeppelin at an early age, but KISS and Queen were the first bands that we were ever given albums from. From there it was Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne, Deep Purple and the like. For me „Rock and Roll Over” and „Love Gun” by KISS were what really started it, with the first Black Sabbath dooming me forever.
How did you end up being a musician from listener?
I was really into sports as a kid, but turned to music around 9 years old. After doing both for a few years, my grades went to garbage so my parents made me chose. I chose music and I have no doubt that it was the right decision for me.
What were your influences to become metal musician? How did you become singer at all?
I started out on trumpet and then bass, so singing really never was my choice. It wasn't until I jammed with some guys whose singer was so bad that I grabbed the microphone and since then nobody wanted me to play bass anymore. Ian Gillan, Dio, Rob Halford, and Geoff Tate were so awesome to me. When I started with thrash it was Mike Dean from COC and Roger Miret from Agnostic Front as well as Tom Araya and James Hetfield that helped me become who I am as Exhorder's singer.
As I as know, you sang in the school choir, is that correct?
Yes. For two years in high school then one year in college. I did Beethoven's 9th with the New Orleans Symphony once.
Would you say, that you have a wide range of vocals? I mean, you can scream, growl, sing etc…
I guess I do. I'm not the greatest, but I know I'm gifted.
You are/were from Louisiana, what about the scene of Louisiana at this point? How did you feel seeing a quite of numerous acts popping up in your area, such as Acid Bath, Nuclear Crucifixion, Incubus etc. trying to make name themselves?
A lot of them got their start opening for us. A lot of them also returned the favor when I put Floodgate together. Now, I don't know. I don't get out much being a father so it wouldn't be fair for me to judge the newer bands.
Would you say, that bands, such as Wayward Youth, Toxin, Shellshock, Shit Dogs, Acid Bath etc. paved the way for the New Orleans scene and put the city on the map of the US metal movement?
They were all a big part of it. I'm wondering how you know of some of those bands! The hardcore scene was big and very united in the 80's. We gravitated towards it since the metal scene was still for the most part lingering in hair metal styles. The hardcore shows fit us more for sure.
What were the clubs and venues, that opened their doors for metal?
Well, we started out doing a few shows at clubs, but mostly in the early days we rented halls and opened them for all ages. There was the VFW Hall on Franklin Ave. that had some legendary shows with the local and national acts. Our best period had to be at Storyville Jazz Hall in the French Quarter, though. We were pulling anywhere between 400- 700 people every time we played. It was insane.
Was a really great underground buzz in New Orleans?
That's all it was until we got signed. Now it seems everyone has a record deal but then it was very rare. The funny thing is that the crowds were much bigger then.
What about your musical past? In which groups did you play before you were being involved in Exhorder?
Jimmy Bower and I met in 1984 I think and had a band called Armageddon, which I played bass in. I sang a little but not much. Then we joined a band called Raid doing mostly Metallica covers. I got kicked out for having short hair and he got kicked out for being a fat guy. The other two guys went on to do nothing with music. Go figure.
Do you still remember how and when was Exhorder formed exactly? What was the really first line up of the band?
It was the summer of 1986, and I was 16. I heard they were looking for a singer, so I went to their band practice. We did „Deliver us to Evil” by Exodus and no one has ever been Exhorder's singer since.
What about the musical background of the other members?
It was wide. Blues, jazz, fusion, punk, classic rock, etc.
You were the youngest guy in the band, weren’t you?
Yeah, the other guys were anywhere from two to nine years older.
What about your rehearsals? Did you start writing originals right from the start or were you jamming on covers?
We started with covers and originals. We still do covers for fun.
Your first demo was „Get rude” (1986), do you still remember how was it recorded which was probably your first experience?
It was analog eight track for a few hundred dollars. It was a cheap recording, but the attitude is still tough to beat.
This is the first of the two demos Exhorder released in the 80's that Phil Anselmo, apparently, spread like the plague throughout Texas and whilst Anselmo and co. were buffing up their codpieces and teasing their locks, Exhorder were making the first steps towards their breathtaking thrash intensity on „Slaughter In The Vatican” and „The Law”, is that correct?
I guess you could say that.
Was Phil a big Exhorder fan?
Still is, from what I hear.
All the tracks on here are well executed and show a good example of your infancy the trademark scratchy production is pretty prevalent and the guitar tone is nowhere near the realms of trouser soiling brutality on „Slaughter In The Vatican” but from the demo its clear to see you were a promising unit, how do you see it?
We didn't know what we were about to start with that session, but a lot of people have said that as basic as it is it really struck a nerve with them. Again, attitude is everything.
How much did you promote the demo? Did you shop it around to attract label interests? Was it also spread through the tapetrading/fanzine network as well?
Tape trading was huge for us. We sold it at shows and got it reviewed in fanzines and magazines, but we never really shopped for labels on the „Get Rude” demo.
Your second demo was „Slaughter in the vatican” (1988), would you say, that the tracks on here are a big step from the scratchy beginnings of the „Get Rude” demo and the jaw dropping riffwork is beginning to make it mark, although the guitar tone wouldnt be prevalent until Scott Burns godly intervention?
I'd have to say that the „Slaughter…” demo is the best recording we had overall. Not in a complete album kind of way, but overall sound and attitude. It was a better representation of who we were live for sure. The „Slaughter…” album just sounds like another death metal album to me, and we weren't death metal. I don't hate it, but the demo was better to me.
At which point were you signed by Roadrunner and were there still other labels interests in the band?
We signed a deal with Mean Machine Records, but they went out of business before the album was released. Roadrunner bought the contract, so that's how we got with them. I don't remember too much else.
You entered the Morrisound studios to record the debut album „Slaughter of the vatican”, does it mean that you simply re-recorded all of the tracks of the second demo or…? How did the recording sessions go at all?
It was a new session from the demo. It was a nightmare. Everything got re-recorded at least once it seemed. By the time it was done it had virtually none of the original session.
How did you end up recording the material in the Morrisound?
Roadrunner suggested it, and we agreed. That's pretty much it.
Given the Morrisound Studios treatment with Scott Burns at the helm, EXHORDER turn out a brutally executed album, were you happy with his work at the end? Did the material sound closer to what you wanted to achieve with Exhorder?
Actually, no. Scott did a great job and it sounds good enough, it's just not what we hoped it would be.
One of the most extreme bands in the Thrash Metal-Sector undoubtedly have been the very controversial guys of Exhorder, from the swamps of Louisiana you guys tried to mosh up the Metal-world and with „Slaughter In The Vatican” you absolutely succeeded in this endeavour, because the cover shows the chief of the Vatican being led to his own execution on the gallows, do you agree with that?
Yeah, that would qualify as controversial. We were young, angry men. I have mellowed with age for sure.
Laced with ferocity, „Slaughter In The Vatican” is 8 blistering tracks of molten fury and on this album one find some of the heaviest and finest Thrash riffing ever, is that correct?
I guess that would be for the listener to decide, but I suppose you're right.
„Slaughter in the vatican” is a full blown desecration on everything from religion to assholes, and 17 years later, is still thirsty and this must be among the heaviest albums of all time, with lyrics full of nihilistic rage against society and religion, it is everything good thrash should be– heavy, fast, uncompromising and vicious, how do you see it?
Today that album is still gaining new fans. Young kids are writing to me saying that it has changed their life.
Exhorder manages to arrange their riffs in an intelligent matter, providing the listener with the most violent experience, is that correct?
Almost too intelligently. We may have been able to get two or three more albums out of the songs we had because there were so many parts!
Aggression and a genuinely nasty edge also helped set Exhorder aside from much of the pack, „Homicide”, „Exhorder”, „Desecrator” and „The Tragic Period” all demonstrate this amply - the assault is nearly nonstop as they pummel one with riff after riff after riff and frenzed yet precise drumming, and the slower parts feel heavier when they drop because of it, what are your views on it?
It was always a little bit of something for everyone with our songs. There was always just as much of a punk crowd as there was a metal crowd at our shows. The pits were violent, but there was little fighting. It was a good release for everyone.
The tune „Legions of Death” lurches with menacing intent out of the listener’s speakers, and this is perhaps the only really slow tune on the album, a nice Black Sabbath-y dirge that offsets the rest of it very well, do you agree with that?
„Legions of Death” was one of our first songs, but today it is still one of my favorites. It is well written and is a true "song structure". It has some of the heaviest riffing I've ever heard.
How do you view, that Exhorder do no compromises on this album, pure Thrash Metal, rough, brutal, aggressive, the musical grenades bear titles like „Death In Vain”, „Homicide”, „Exhorder” or „The Tragic Period”, which is a lead-poisoning turned sound and also „Legions Of Death” and „Anal Lust” bring no breather to the listener, quite the contrary, the neck-muscles get a marathon-match and with the controversial title-track and with that highlight as closer, Exhorder end these 40 minutes of pure thrashing?
The whole idea was to hit hard and give very little time for anyone to get a chance to pick their teeth up off of the floor.
Do you think, that lyrically, this album is over the top, the lyrics are absolutely violent, and against mostly anything, lines like „Fuck your god, no regard for religion” certainly set a clear tone for the album?
There is so much that I said and did back then that I wouldn't dream of doing or saying today. Call me old, or call me mature, but I was an angry young man back then. Really, just a kid. I was 16- 17 years old when we wrote most of that stuff. Don't get me wrong, I will still perform the songs, but if we write newer ones they will still be aggressive, but not nearly as vulgar or blasphemous. I'm in a way different place in life now.
There is much hate towards religion („Slaughter In The Vatican”, „Homicide”), and love towards violent acts („Anal Lust”, „Desecrator”)…
I always compare what we did to horror movies. It was horror music. I never ever hurt anyone like that or wanted babies dead or anything. It just challenges people to think of these horrid things. Some can handle it, and some simply cannot.
Is it correct, that each song has their edgy lyrics coupled with equally fierce riffing and pummelling drums?
My vocals were very percussive in that band. I probably followed Chris's drumming far more than I followed Vinnie's riffs.
Everyone knows in order to have a good thrash album there must always have to be a good vocalist and you are one of the finest representatives of the genre, you are one of the most bizarre vocalist and you one of the most pissed off voices in thrash, extremely effective, what’s your opinion?
Wow, thanks! I appreciate that. The funny thing is I never wanted to be a singer. I played bass but when I finally did sing one day no one wanted me to play bass anymore. It is a gift, but sometimes it feels like a curse.
The bassparts were played by Jay and Vinnie, why and when did Andy Villafara quit the band? Didn’t you start searching a new bassist?
Andy is a strange situation. Super talented guy and one of the nicest people you ever met, but just not really a guy that could totally fit in I guess. His Mom made him quit. That explains everything.
With „Slaughter in the vatican”, Exhorder delivered quality thrash album, right?
It has been voted into high positions on some all time lists that I've seen. I guess that's for the listener to decide, not me.
Do you think, that the guitars tone are crunchy, really heavy and devastating? Is the whole album heavy, fast, uncompromising and vicious?
Again, I'm not that thrilled with the way the album came out. We may even re- record a few songs to deliver them as they should have been. I don't hate the album, but it could have been better and just wasn't right to me.
What do you think about, that the album exhibits how Exhorder matured as songwriters since their demo days?
I wouldn't say anything we did was very mature. I think our songwriting was very complicated and extreme, but the newer stuff that we'll be working on soon will most likely be more mature. We're going to focus on better arrangements and songs that don't have 27 parts in them.
The cover alone brought Exhorder tons of attention and problems, although the CD had been sold without any „Explicit Lyrics”-stickers or such crap, is that correct?
We asked for trouble and we got it. That was actually the tame version of the cover. We actually had Pope John Paul II hanging from our logo with the Vatican burning in the background as children cried and prayed at his feet. Roadrunner said no way, and I'm not too in love with the final cover. It doesn't suck, but the artist misspelled his own name on the painting and some of it looks cheesy to me. I'm not in love with it.
Why didn’t make up on the record older tracks, such as „Ripping flesh” or „Bestial noise/Wake the dead”?
„Ripping Flesh” just seemed to never make the cut. It's a bad ass song, but it just always got passed on. „Wake the Dead” is actually „Incontinence” on „The Law”.
Was the period a bit messy for thrash metal because there was the explosion of death metal and grind, and the classic, main and famous thrash metal bands were becoming always more and more melodic but Exhorder didn’t care about this?
It has been said that we arrived too late, and that we arrived too early. We were definitely caught in between some times that may have better suited us. However, we could have gotten more done if we'd worked harder.
What were the shows, tours to support the record? How did those shows go?
We made a big mistake back then. We mostly just played the big cities around here. New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, Baton Rouge, San Antonio, etc. The bands from here after us like Acid Bath played all of the small towns too and made a lot of money as well as building a stronger reputation as a live band. However, those that did see us still say today that they witnessed something special. We didn't do a proper US tour until The Law.
In 1992 you recorded your second album „The law”, what about the recording sessions?
Again, disastrous. We weren't ready at all. I think we probably drank way too much back then. That's all we gave a shit about. Neither album is 100% satisfactory to us.
This time you had a new bassist Franky Sparcello, what about his musical background and how did he get in the picture exactly? Was he the first choice of the band or…?
We had worked with a few other guys before Frank came in, including Kirk Windstein of Crowbar and Down. Kirk was busy building Crowbar and also wasn't thrilled about how tricky some of the riffing was, even though we all agreed it would have been a good fit personally. The other guy could play the stuff easier, but we couldn't get him to commit his time. Frank had been around in a few bands and could play the stuff. It just made sense.
Did he also write some song for the record or were all of the tunes written yet when he joined the band?
As far as I know he didn't really write anything. I only wrote one riff that the band ever used, so I couldn't say for sure, but it's primarily Vinnie that writes. Jay has contributed some, and in the early days Andy and our first guitarist David Main also wrote.
Following up an amazing debut album is no easy task for any band, because debuts generally contain songs that the band has been perfecting for years up until their first album is recorded, do you agree with that?
Yeah, and Vinnie went through a writer's block phase I think before „The Law”. By the time he got back into being inspired we were under pressure from the label to follow up „Slaughter…”. Plus we partied and fucked off a lot. It was our fault completely.
Where the first album was unbridled aggression vented in all directions, „The Law” keeps organised religion squarely in the crosshairs, is that correct?
I was pretty ticked at religion at that time. I was the classic angry young man. I was obsessed with it and losing loved ones. I was very angry with God, but mostly with godly people.
Do you agree with, that the band still showed some extreme attitude in their music, but not much of its earlier appeal can be found on „The Law” anymore?
No, I disagree. There's something for everyone on „The Law” as well, just less thrash and we were more groove/ funk influenced by this time. I promise you that if we ever get this third album written you will see a lot less of that and more of the early sound. Was „The Law” different fo us? Yes. Was it not Exhorder? No way. It is an album that many of our fans prefer to „Slaughter in the Vatican” I can promise you.
Exhorder were kind of Spinal Tap–like when it came to bass players; to that end, guitarists Vinnie LaBella and Jay Ceravolo played all the bass on the first album, and all but one track on the second and your new bass player, Franky Sparcello played an amazing slap bass backing track to „Unborn Again”, which was all he had time for after joining the band in the middle of recording, what do you think about it?
Frank was in the band already. I think Vinnie and Jay just preferred to do it their way. I was at the bar drinking when they were tracking, so I'm not positive. I don't know if Frank was still learning or just not prepared. Who knows? You'd have to ask them.
Would you say, that at the time, there was a big trend toward so–called „funk metal”, but he and the band as a whole didn’t follow the trend?
God, what a horrible thing to be. Back then we were so into funk- and I still love true funk like Parliament and Earth Wind & Fire and such- but the metal bands that grabbed it and ran white all over it is truly fogettable in retrospect. We were definitely into adding some of it to our sound, but thank God we never went all the way. I would have regretted that.
Far from being a plain bass track, slapped instead of picked, Franky Sparcello runs up and down the fretboard with incredible dexterity, augmenting Chris Nail’s jazz thrash drumming, right?
I think he actually played it differently from how it was written to be played. That was something that Vinnie and Andy had worked out in Europe before, and if I remember correctly Vinnie was ticked that Frank was doing it differently. I think there was always someone mad at someone else back then. We were always fighting about something.
As far as the music, there’s the fast-and-midpaced alternating riffage of „I Am the Cross”, and the absolute crusher of an opener in „Soul Search Me”, the crazy dynamics of „The Law” with its psychedelic outro contrasting with its occasionally-loud drums, what’s your opinion?
Definitely. There was a lot of psychedelic influence going around back then, so it makes sense. One thing we will do differently without disturbing the writing style of Exhorder is write better stuctured songs when we complete album number three. „I am the Cross” has like 27 parts in it. That's insane. We were crazy to do that to ourselves.
Would you say, that there are a number of highlights on this album, even for a band as impressive as this and this is a straight up thrash monster of an album, throw in your really fast vocal delivery, which was hinted at on „Slaughter of the Vatican” („Desecrator”), but only comes in full circle on stuff like „Unborn Again”?
Indeed there were highlights that still linger. Many bands have re- recorded „Cadence of the Dirge”, and one of my favorite live songs to play is „The Truth”, because of the drop at the end that treally gets the crowd going. „The Law” is another stomper. Gets people moving.
Whose idea was „Unforgiven” to put on the record? Was it a re-recorded version of the old song or…?
Yeah, and I changed some lyrics and they changed the riffs alittle in some parts. I regret changing the lyrics. Today I sing them like I did on the first demo. I do a lot more of the old style now than what some of it evolved into later. I'm trying to purify my delivery ad am always stressing to the others that we don't play the songs too fast. The entire first album was recorded way too fast. The songs lose their feel that way.
There’s some slower stuff, like the final song „Cadence of the Dirge” (which isn’t quite as slow as it is a groove monsterbeast), or the cover of „Into the Void” that song was heavy in ’71, it was heavy in ’92, that song just rules, and you make it rule as much as the original, do you agree with that?
Well, in one of the guitar magazines back then Tony Iommi stated that Exhorder's „Into the Void” was his favorite remake of a Black Sabbath song up to that time, which thrilled us to no end. I was just excited to hear one of my heroes acknowledge me. I can die at peace now.
Did on „The Law”, the band’s sound become a lot more groove oriented?
I don't see too much difference. „The Truth” and „Unforgiven” are fast as hell. If „Slaughter in the Vatican” had been done the way the demo had been recorded you would have heard more groove on that one. When the parts are played too fast they lose a little feeling.
Are the songs a good bland of fastest parts with some down tempo and groove mid paced parts?
I would say so. Some of those songs are my favorite to play live.
How did you feel about, that Roadrunner’s advertising exhort the masses into buying the album using the, „if you like Pantera...” by-line?
It was totally cheesy and done without our approval. They have done that for years to many bands. They tried to pass off Floodgate as „the new Down” and „the new COC”. I fought very hard against that. It just says that you don't believe in carving a new path.
Exhorder have often been compared with Pantera, did it disturb you? Can be the two bands compared with each other at all?
I used to really hate it when people asked about it, but now I just accept that I'll never be able to stop it. The two bands sound similar. They do not sound exactly alike. We deserve our place in metal history without being handcuffed to them and they deserve the same. End of story.
What about the touring aspect in support of the record?
We toured with Entombed that year, and Ripping Corpse and Dead Horse as well. We got kicked off of that tour. Never threaten the other band's management or shit in the dressing room. You will be sent home.
You performed at the Milwaukee Festival as well, what do you recall of that particular show? Was it in the support of „The Law” album?
Yes, it was. It was truly the biggest and best show I can remember Exhorder playing. There were a ton of now legendary bands there that day, and it seemed to me that when we took the stage it got the crowd going to another level. They were into the bands before us, but somehow we whipped them up into a massive frenzy. It was energetic.
Roadrunner released the performance as „Live death”, what do you think about this record?
I think it harnesses a little more of the feeling of our show than we captured on the albums. It is true live, and there are flaws, but that's how a live album is supposed to be, right?
At some juncture you included bassist Marcel Trenchard, was he only a session musician? I mean, did he help you out only in live situation?
Marcel has never been in Exhorder. I have no idea how that rumor got started. We've never even jammed with him as a band. Maybe there was talk at one time of him auditioning for the bass spot, but he never was in Exhorder in any way.
Do you agree with, that Exhorder are one of those bands that, even if they put out some good albums, never reach the popularity they deserved?
Ummm...yes. I think we had some bad luck but I also believe that we didn't work hard enough. It's never too late, I suppose.
While lost in the flood of Floridan Death Metal and the emerging Seattle Grunge explosion, Exhorder really missed the recognition they deserved at the time, and self–destructed after the recording of „The Law”, how did it happen? Did you part ways from each other on a friendly term at the end?
For me it was ugly. I couldn't get away from those people fast enough. The tension was horrible, everyone was digging into each other and styles were way off. It was time for me to start what became Floodgate anyway. I needed to return to my roots and develop as a singer and a songwriter. Some say Exhorder was too early, and some say we were too late.
What did the members do after Exhorder’s demise and what about them these days?
Except for Jay doing Fall From Grace, the others really have stayed out of the business of recording music. Chris opened his own chain of music stores, Vinnie likes his privacy, and Jay is like me just working to pay the bills. Frank's hoping to get out of prison in July I think.
Do you think, that Exhorder’s influence and importance has been recognised since, the name of the band is still big and it’s in people’s minds?
Some of the most important and successful metal bands ever love Exhorder. Joey Jordison of Slipknot and I wrote a song together a few years ago and he told me that we are one of his favorite bands. I understand Corey Taylor loves us too. I know some of the Lamb of God guys and some of them were listening to us. As mentioned earler, Phil Anselmo loves Exhorder. I have toured a lot with Alabama Thunderpussy and the Death Metal Allstars, and everywhere I go there are important musicians that swear their love for Exhorder. That is flattering and inspiring to me.
During the end of the ’90s you were involved in Trouble as well, how did you get in the picture exactly? Can you tell us more about this period?
Ron Holzner and I knew each other a bit and he took a liking to Floodgate. Helped us out a lot. He's a great friend for sure. There was a show in Chicago called Expo of the Extreme that had bands and pornstars, like a big convention. It was pretty interesting to say the least. Trouble had agreed to reunite without Eric Wagner and do songs with several singers, and I was invited. Somewhere along the line everyone else dropped out and I ended up doing the whole set. It was one of my favorite moments in my musical life. We ended up doing a few more shows and talked of recording until they decided to reunite with Eric. As a fan I'm glad they did.
These days they are working with former Warrior Soul frontman Kory Clarke. Have you ever seen them live with him?
No, I've never really heard Warrior Soul before either that I can think of. He must be some kind of good if they asked him to join the band.
For 4-5 years you did some Exhorder gigs, how did they go and what about the line up? Can you give us an insight considering the setlist?
I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean 4-5 years ago, it was the lineup from „The Law”. We did the same stuff we did back then. Almost every song off of „Slaughter…”, and everything from „The Law” except for „Soul Search Me”. For some reason that song has never been played live. I am not really sure why, but I wish we would since it is the album opener.
Metal Mind Productions re-released both album on one disc, did it help you to attract more fans atention to the band?
Actually, they released them separately and remastered them. Roadrunner were the ones that slapped them on one disc with no remastering. I'm glad Metal Mind did that- they also did it for Floodgate. These albums deserve to be in print.
These days Exhorder is officially back in business and some excerpts of an official statement courtesy of Vinne LaBella: „After tossing this around for quite some time we actually just decided to do this less than a week ago so at this time we have no real direction on what we want to do as far as shows, tours, albums etc. As of right now the first step is to get a new bass player and get back to rehearsing. This will probably be a slow process and you've waited a long time already but your patience will be rewarded and as you already know we never disappoint”, what’s the line up exactly? Was it easy to get together again?
It has been almost a year and we're not much further along. It is coming, though. Vinnie's moving back here from Texas and we'll get to work soon. It won't be until then that we figure out the bass player situation.
Do you write some new material at this point or…?
Vinnie has told me that he's writing a lot these days. That's where it starts. Then he and Chris get together and I get involved after the songs take shape.
Didn’t you think about to go on a real tour or to record a brandnew album?
If we all close our eyes, make a wish and cross our fingers it might happen. We are crossing one bridge at a time now, so just give it some time. We've all waited this long, right?
What are your future plans? How much time do you have concentrating on Exhorder considering your bands, such as Alabama Thunderpussy, Pitts Vs. Preps etc.?
Alabama Thunderpussy is no longer active. I would still do shows and record with them, but Erik Larson made a public statement that the band would be no more. Pitts vs. Preps does not take up a lot of my time unless we're writing, and since we just finished recording an album it will be a while before I need to write anything again. I'm ready to get Exhorder in business, but it's not the only thing on my list. I have several other things like Death Metal All Stars and I could always do more Floodgate.
Kyle, thanks a lot for the interview, anything to add, that I forgot to mention?
Thanks for giving me the interview, and thanks for your patience in getting it finished. Thanks to all that have supported me and my bandmates, and hopefully you will have more Exhorder news really soon. Keep bugging us and we'll finally do something.
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