I think so, I haven't to write an introduction, because Scott Carlsson tells everything. Here is the beginning of the grindcore scene...
The band formed in 1985 as Genocide, did the line up consist of you, Scott Carlsson, Dave Grave Hollingshead and Aaron Freeman right from the start or did you go through some line up changes?
Matt and I started Genocide in late '84. We originally had Sean MacDonald on bass and Phil Hines on drums. That lineup didn't last long and when we resumed the band in '85 we decided to be a three piece and I assumed bas duties as well as vocals. It was at this time that we brought Dave into the fold.
Was it hard to find the suitable memers for an extreme metal band back in the day?
It was extremely hard. First of all, we had even more extreme ideas than most people at that time. But, it was hard to even find a drummer who had heard of Slayer let alone one who actually played like that.
Because Scott did both vocals and the bass duties, didn't you think about to admit either a bassplayer or a singer? Was it hard for Scott to concentrate both on bass and on vocals?
It's not hard to concentrate on bass and vocals when you're playing such simple material. For as over the top Repulsion's delivery is the riffs are pretty simple and most of the time the bass is riding the root note and adding some accents here and there.
By the way, was Genocide your very first act or.? What about your musical background as a whole?
Matt and I had a band called Tempter in early '84 that was playing covers of GBH, Metallica, Slayer, etc. We both took guitar lessons from a guy named Bruce Winch. He was a Flint area musician who had had made a name for himself with local bands and was great teacher. He turned me onto the The Clash, The Angels (Angel City) and Cheap Trick way before they were popular.
What were your influences to become musicians? Were you rather into brutal stuffs or...?
We grew up on Kiss, Aerosmith, Thin Lizzy, Cheap Trick, UFO, Ted Nugent. Basically, all the great hard rock bands of the 70s and then we were of course inspired by the punk and NWOBHM movements when they came along. The real inspiration for Genocide/Repulsion came from Discharge, Hellhammer, Slaughter, The Accused, Slayer, etc. But, we always knew that the music could be even more - this word gets tiring - "extreme".
What about the Flint scene at this point? What were the acts, that started at the same time as you? What kind of friendship, relationship did you have with them?
There were no other metal bands except for Real Steel and they were more along the lines of a thrashy Priest or Maiden kinda thing. We played with and hung out with hardcore bands like Dissonance, Gore, Public Noise and 13th Key.
You recorded your first demo called "Toxic metal" in 1984 featuring "Armies of the dead", "Satan's whores" and "Crack of doom", do you still remember how was it recorded? Can you tell us details regarding on this tape?
That tape was never called "Toxic Metal". It was recorded on a portable stereo cassette with the Sean/Phil lineup in Phil's basement. Phil was the drummer for Dissonance and him and their bassist, Tanya lived in the house where they rehearsed. So, we rehearsed ther as well.
The instruments totally blend together, one can't hear the vocals, the bass and drums are just loud thuds, and the guitars are just a giant shriek, what do you think about it?
I think it's great. Bring the noise.
But one thing is there, one can clearly see how after becoming a bit more skilled and having better production, the same thing on this demo help shaped what was to become "Horrified", correct?
Of course. We were constantly striving to make our music faster, noisier and more insane. Even some of the people that were in the band didn't always understand why we were going in that direction.
Is it correct, that the demo was recorded for the Sledgehammer Press fanzine, based in Michigan?
Yeah, we pretty much recorded that rehearsal just so we could send something to Bob at Sledgehammer Press. He was doing the only cool metal fanzine in Michigan and we wanted to be associated with that.
Did you spread the demo around to make a name for the band? What kind of promotion did you do for the demo at all?
I don't think we sent that to anyone besides Sledgehammer Press. It circulated mainly through tape trading and there was no promotion done whatsoever.
Your second effort was the "Violent death" demo, do you think, that it was a better production than the prevous? Did it success in getting more fans for the band?
I think the "production" as you call it, is even worse on this recording. However, this is the first recording where the Repulsion sound is starting to come through.
Would you say, that at this point was the birth of the extreme metal scene with acts, such as Possessed, Slaughter, Death Strike/Master, Mantas/Death etc.? Were you familiar with the underground scene back than?
Well, Matt and I were in Death for a little while so yeah - we were aware of all those bands and many, many more.
What were your views on the European scene, with acts such as Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Napalm Death, Sodom, Destruction, Bathory etc.?
We hadn't quite heard of Napalm yet but we were way into the all the others you mentioned when they were still just making demos. And of course they all released brilliant debut records.
The last demo under the name of Genocide was "The stench of burning death" in 1986 and this is the closest demo to what was to become "Horrified", do you agree with it?
There is a ton of improvement here; the vocals, for one are much improved, they are no long just background screaming and grunts, now it is clearly up front and more present than ever before, the drums are another bright spot, they are just thuds, one can hear so much more now and the same with the bass, it isn't just some inaudible fuzz, it is more clearly there, how do you view it?
Well, the other recordings were one mic live recordings that leave a lot to be desired in the sound quality department. This one was still recorded live but we were able to work with an experienced engineer who could mic all the instruments properly. Musically, we had come along way towards what Matt and I wanted the band to sound like. Faster, heavier, noisier.
Was it a kind of developement/progression or did you heavily work onto it?
A bit of both. We worked very hard on our material and getting Dave into the groove as he was not really into metal when we met him. I think he just liked our material because it was so deranged. When you work that hard on something you usually get results.
Did the demo help gain you a static following of fans of intense music with horror-inspired lyrics, a sub-genre of underground music still in its infancy?
We gained some fans and inspired quite a few bands but no record labels. The cult status of the band wasn't really cemented until the next wave of bands like Carcass, Napalm Death and Entombed began to praise our recordings.
Was it this foundation that ultimately became the basis of what is reknowned today as grindcore and in every respect, Genocide were among the first wave of true pioneers of this style of music, if not the innovators?
That is for you to ponder. In my personal opinion 'Horrified' is the best album of it's kind. To us, it didn't seem innovative or genre defining. It's just the music we wanted to hear at that time. After we made it I don't think Matt or myself listened to much death metal. We did what we wanted to do with it and moved on. Maybe, if we had been signed in '86 we would have made more records. Maybe not. We're quite happy with the way people view Repulsion today.
After the demos were recorded with the name Genocide, the members realized that several other Genocides existed (the Japanese Genocide was one), and you changed the band name to Repulsion, right?
When we were young and naive, Genocide seemed like an okay band name but I always thought it was sort of generic. It was the name of a great Judas Priest song. That's where I got it from. I'm glad we changed it to Repulsion.
In 1986 "Evil" Chuck Schuldiner of Florida Death Metal pioneers Death (who himself had just returned from a very brief and disatrous association with Canada's Slaughter) asked Scott and you to move to Florida to become members of Death, how did it happen exactly? Is it correct, that you replaced guitarist Rick Rozz?
You've got that backwards. We played with Death in the summer of '85. Chuck was playing with Slaughter in the winter of '86. Chuck and I were pen pals back then and we had mutual respect for each other's music. When our band and his band were short on members it just seemed like a good idea to put both bands together. At the time we hade similar ideas about music. We sent the summer unsuccessfully searching for a drummer to replace Kam Lee, who had decided he didn't want to play drums anymore. Matt and I went back to Michigan to concentrate on Genocide and Chuck did what he had to do to keep his career heading in the right direction. From that point, it's history.
How did Kam Lee end up becoming the singer? Why was he fed up of playing drums?
Kam was never exclusively singing in Death. He played drums and split vocal duties with Chuck. He left because didn't want to play drums anymore. You'd have to ask him but I would say the situation with Massacre where he was strictly fronting the band is the way he wanted things to be.
Were you close to Death's material at that time? To which extent were you familiar with Death?
Matt and I were very familiar with Death's material. Chuck had sent me all the demos and we were big fans of their music. We went into the garage with Chuck and Kam and played near perfect versions of several Death songs within houirs of us arriving in Florida.
You agreed and Repulsion was put on hold for a short time, but what about Aaron and Dave at this point? What did they do during your Death period?
Dave and Aaron were yet not a part of Genocide when Matt and I joined up with Death. That would happen several months down the road.
What was Death's line up exactly at this point? How was to work with Chuck and Kam as a whole and what about their individuals or egos?
The lineup was Chuck, Kam, Matt and myself. Chuck and Kam were great to work with. As has been stated many times, Kam's decision to leave, although untimely, was an event that ultimately led to three highly influential bands emerging from one. Egos were present -you had three front men and two amazing lead guitar players in a four piece band - but it wasn't out of control. Everyone respected each other's ideas. You have to remember we were all very young at this time.
Kam told in an interview, that he is the founder of the vomit growling, what do you think about it?
I think just about everyone would agree with him on that. He influenced a lot of death metal vocalists.
Have you ever recorded some material with Chuck? Have you ever gigged with them?
The only recordings that exist of this Death lineup are a couple rehearsals. Sadly, Death and Repulsion never had the opportunity to share the stage. It would have been a lot of fun for us.
This arrangement did not work out and in 1986 Matt and you Scott returned to Michigan (while Evil Chuck went to San Francisco California) and Repulsion was reborn after a brief hiatus, what went wrong with him? Did you remain in touch with Chuck after you quit the band?
Actually, it was 1985. Chuck, Matt and I had spent the entire summer looking for a drummer and had no success. It just made sense for Matt and I to return home and resume work on Genocide. There were some differences between Chuck's ideas and ours, as well. All you have to do is compare the 'Mutilation' demo to the 'Slaughter Of The Innocent' demo.
Unfortunately on the 13th of December 2001 Chuck passed away...
Yes. This was truly a sad time. At least, we know that Chuck lived and played without compromise and left behind a great musical legacy. I'm glad to have known him and to have had the chance to play with him for a short time. A true original.
Did Dave and Aaron immediately rejoin the band after you returned Flint?
As I say, they were never in the band until this period was over. When Matt and I returned to Michigan, we looked around for a drummer and came up with Dave in September of '85. We played our first show with him in October. Aaron joined in January '86 shortly before we recorded the WFBE demo that some refer to as 'The Stench Of Burning Death.
When did you start writing the material for your debut record and what about the songwriting as a whole?
We started writing songs while we were still in Florida. The songwiting prosess mainly consisted of Matt and I holoing up in the garage or basement with Coca-Cola, frozen pizzas and microwave burritos and throwing riffs at each other. Sometimes we would come with complete songs and help each other with the final arrangement. I wrote all the lyrics and sometimes I would take ideas or suggestions from friends. It usually started with a ridiculous song title and then I would rise to the challeng of completing equally ridiculous lyrics.
Your debut album, originally to be titled "Slaughter Of The Innocent", was recorded in 1986 with the help of Doug Earp, what about the recording sessions?
The recording was done in a hurried manner working with an engineer who had no idea what we (or he for that matter) were doing. At the time we were quite disappointed with the production. But, listening to it now it all kind of makes sense.
Was it Doug's first experience as producer? Were you satisfied with his work? Did he help a lot for you?
Actually, Doug was the executive producer. He financed the whle thing and made it possible for us to go into the studio. We were always impressed by his dedication and friendship. No one has ever helped Repulsion as much as Doug Earp.
Do you still remember how long did the recording sessions take and did you have a decent budget to record the material?
We only spent about $300 on the recording. It seemed like a fortune to us at the time. The whole process took about 3-4 days.
„Horrified” is the album that created the very first grindcore movement, the album that created the proto gore grind and the album that influenced the future generation of death metal bands, is that correct?
That is for people like you to decide. I can look back at it and tell you that although we were tapping into several infuences, we were not copying anyone. Too many bands today simply copy their favorite records and really add nothing to the musical landscape. You don't have to be 100% original but what's the point of cloning your favorite artist? There's nothing unique about it at all.
Do you think, that back in 1986 you guys were probably the most extreme thing on the Earth and your previous demos were a complete innovation for malevolence, putridity and speed?
Well, the evidence speaks for itself. It doesn't take a lot of effort to compare what was happening at that time. Sure, we were faster than pretty much everyone. But, Venom in '81, Metallica in '82, Slayer in '83, Hellhammer '84 - these bands were pushing the envelope before us.
Nobody played like you in that period, Carcass and Napalm Death were still punkish in their style, probably Terrorizer were close to you, right?
I don't know. At the time I hadn't heard of any of those bands.
Talking about the music here, in a more detailed description, we can find half an hour of totally madness grind, the blast beats are really ahead for the period but they are one of the most important thing in your sound, aren't they?
The blast beats seem to be one of the main aspects that people refer to when talking about the influence of repulsion. It wasn't a conscious thing on our part. We were trying to make every aspect of our sound as extreme as possible.
This entire album is in fact the soundtrack to the impending death of mankind, Repulsion turned all the knobs up to 11 and recorded an album of some of the fastest, most aggressive, blistering, face-melting music of all time, how do you explain this?
We are musical geniuses who should be millionaires many times over! (hehe)
Do you think, that your overall sound is chillingly great, as the drums blast away into one's brain the guitar riffs move blazingly fast?
I like the record. If I want to hear grindcore (which I normally don't) I would put on „Horrified”.
Another great thing about „Horrified” is the riffing: it's really old-school and simple, the riffs are huge and intensely, no technical guitar work here, Repulsion pump out grinding evil powerchords like the best of them amidst the flurries of hats, bass drums and snares, how do you view this?
I don't want to sit here and write a review of my own music. But, I'm glad you like it that much. It means a lot to us!
The fanciest thing coming out of Repulsion is the guitar solos that occasionally wail thrashy dissonance across Repulsion's sound spectrum, and the bass gives a really nice low-end rumble to the music, do you agree with it?
We always wanted the guitar solos to be short, violent stabs. Just like the songs themselves. If you have a 90 second song it's a bit difficult to throw in a 2 minute solo. Our songs are shorter than Metallica's guitar solos! The bass sound is simply inspired by Discharge, Venom and the first Voivod record.
Is „Horrified” a landmark in extreme music and will forever be cited as a pioneering masterpiece that influenced countless bands?
I'm not the one to ask. Will it forever be cited as a pioneering masterpiece? I don't lnow. I can't see into the future. If I could we never would have made the record in the first place! (laughs)
The album was recorded in 1986, when Slayer or Dark Angel were about the most extreme thing around then, thrash metal was on its peak, did you create such an aggressive, very brutal stuff, because you hadn't anything to do with thrash or was your goal simply to be the most brutal band on the planet?
We thought Slayer and Dark Angel sounded like wimps! I kid, I kid. Those bands were very inspiring from a speed perspective and Slayer are obviously metal gods. We just had a different approach and it happened that it was much faster, noisier and offensive than most things that were coming out at that time on this planet. Who knows what was coming out of Uranus in 1986. Could be the stinkiest, most brutal shit in the universe!
Is "Horrified" darker, faster, heavier, more agressive, more chaotic and more lyrically extreme and even more brutally to-the-point, than "Reign in blood" or "Darkness descends"?
That's up to the listener to decide. I can't really answer that.
Are the vocals, which are a distant shriek, much in the vein of all early death metal, the insanely fast guitar work and even more preposterous drumming, the violent tempo changes, the raw production, the fuzzy bass, the chaotic solos and the gore/horror themed lyrics, all lay down the groundwork for what makes Repulsion the band that it was?
Of course, the sounds you hear on the record are the very makeup of the Repulsion sound.
Do you agree with, that this is the original grindcore album, before Napalm Death, before Carcass, Brutal Truth or any other band touted by Earache's grind period?
Again, you're asking me to tell you things that are not for me to decide. What do you think? Did Repulsion effectively set the ground for all death metal to follow?
Well, there are lots of bands out there that have never heard of Repulsion. So, no, I don't think Repulsion influenced every death metal band that followed. I'm sure there are bands, especially the technically oriented ones that think we are shite.
What are your views on, that one need only look at the song titles to understand just how influential Repulsion were - "Splattered Cadaver", "Acid Bath", "Six Feet Under" - all band monikers lifted from this one Repulsion album?
I'm not sure all those bands lifted their names from 'Horrified' but if they did I'm flattered.
Is "Horrified" more than just influence, it is an all out awesome record, isn't it?
I think it's a very good record for what it is. It's certainly unique.
Drawing on a range of influences like Hellhammer, Slaughter, and Discharge, Repulsion infused elements of all these acts, threw in a lot of feedback and distortion and a lyrical bloodbath to create a legendary wall of noise that is still relevant today, what do you think about it?
I'm very happy that people still cite Repulsion as an influence and I'm proud of the impact it has had on the metal scene.
Is that correct, that "Horrified" earned a status among tape traders almost equal to that of Hellhammer and Metallica in their heyday?
No, it was not as big as Hellhammer or Metallica. Not even close.
"Horrified" is somewhat primitive by modern death metal standards, but undeniably influential on a very young scene, sounding at times a bit like what Slaughter was doing, or perhaps early Death...
That's what was going on at the time. We definitely borrowed a couple things from Slaughter.
By the way, "Horrified" was meant to be a next Repulsion demo or did you start it as your first fell length record?
It was always intended to be our debut full length. Since no one wanted to sign us we decided to go out and record an album and then shop it to labels. We still got no offers.
Besides that 18 tracks, did you still have some songs, that you didn't put on the record?
No, that was our entire repertoire at the time.
How do you view, that this was death metal before death metal, because at the time, death metal was nothing more than an offshoot of thrash, still in an embryonic state?
We were always listening to music that was on the cutting edge so it's no surprise that the music we made was the same.
This period was the birth of extreme metal, with acts, such as Mantas/Death, Massacre, Morbid Angel, Slaughter, Possessed, Death Strike/Master etc., were you deeply in the underground at this point? Were you familiar with these acts (or with others)?
Of course, we were familiar with all those bands with the exception of Massacre and Morbid Angel who we did come to know about shortly after.
The LP was originally intended to be released on Earp's own label, Wyatt Earp Records, but this never occured and the album was nearly fated to never see a vynil release, what did happen exactly?
The band split up before we even finished mixing the record. There was no use releasing an album by a defunct band. At least, not at that point. The label never really existed at the time. It was something that Doug wanted to do but I think Repulsion was his main interest and when we split he put the label on hold. It didn't actually get started until after his death. His partner, Al Steele has finally made Doug's wish a reality and released a few records under the Wyatt Earp banner.
Weren't bigger labels interests in the band?
Not even one.
The band continued to spread mayhem and extreme thrash on a small scale during 1987 until you joined the armed forces, what made you to join the army? Why did you stop playing fast, furious, extreme stuff at this point?
Matt joined the military because there are not a lot of options for young people in Flint, Michigan. We stopped playing death metal at this point because we were bored with it. We went all out on 'Horrified' and felt we had sort of exhausted the subject.
REPULSION played their final show in January 1988, what do you recall of that particular gig?
Not much! We were all completely wasted and just having a good time. It was a hometown show in front of our close friends and we really didn't put much thought into it.
It didn't see a release of the record until it was picked up by the Necrosis label (run by Carcass members Bill Steer and Jeff Walker) and released as "Horrified" in 1989, by which time the band had actually broken up due to Matt Olivo joining the armed forces, why was the title changed to "Horrified"?
I changed the title to 'Horrified' because I was just sick of 'Slaughter Of The Innocent'. That title had been kicking around for three years and I just tired of it.
Would you say, that the goal of the Carcass guys was to give a chance for Repulsion, they didn't want to be the band forgotten, they wanted to draw more fans attention to the band or did they simply worship the material?
I think they were just fans of the material. I doubt they expected to get rich from it!
How much did the release of the record help you? I mean, did more and more fans start to discover Repulsion?
Of course! If it were still just an obscure cassette tape we wouldn't be talking right now. Having your material available in stores worldwide definitely helps. Most people today discovered 'Horrified' either by the Necrosis or Relapse versions. We are grateful that our hard work was recognized with a proper release after the initial disappointment we felt when no one wanted to listen!
Repulsion finally reunited as a three-piece band (Matt was still in the Army) and in January of 1991, recorded their demo intitled „Rebirth”, did the title refer to that you came back in the business or…?
I don't recall us giving a name to the demo but the song title was partly inspired by the fact that we had reformed, I guess.
What was the line up of the band at this point? Why wasn’t Matt replaced by the way?
The lineup was Aaron, Dave and myself. Matt wasn't replaced because quite simply, he cannot be replaced in Repulsion.
Some months later, Relapse Records released two of the demo tracks as a 7” entitled „Excruciation”, how did it happen exactly? Did you sign a deal with them or…?
No deal was signed. It was a gentleman's agreement between the band and label. Matt Jacobson called me up and asked if we were interested in releasing a single on his upstart record label and we took him up on it.
„Excruciation” is the longest track Repulsion has recorded, and one of only five lasting more than 3 minutes, isn’t it?
I'm surprised you were able to find five songs that are over three minutes! Obviously, they are some of the later ones.
Did this well-received release of the band lead to a renew in interest in Repulsion?
I don't think the single had a whole lot to do with the renewed interest in the band. I think the single was a result of that. The renewed interest was kindled by the release of Horrified which occurred near the beginning of the original grindcore explosion.
Relapse soon obtained the rights to license and re-issue „Horrified” in 1992, with a track from the Genocide demo („Black Nightmare”) as a bonus track, can you tell us more about it?
Well, earache had allowed the record to go out of print and there was new demand for it. We decided to add an extra track and change the artwork just to differentiate from the Earache release.
The band continued to play occasional shows around the States and in that same year Matt returned from the army and re-joined the band for a while, is that correct?
That is correct. We didn't do a lot of shows but we did a few here and there.
In 1991 was released another demo called „Final” demo, which was recorded in Matt's bedroom on a portable 4 track, wasn’t it?
That is correct. The tracks that had vocals on them were released on the Relapse deluxe edition of Horrified.
What about these 3 demos as a whole? Did you remain a pure grindcore band or did you move to death metal direction like Napalm Death or Carcass did back then?
I think that we were letting the current trends in death metal influence us a bit too much. If I had it to do over again I would have written more songs like the ones on „Horrified”.
How would you describe the demos compared to „Horrified”?
In a nutshell, not as good.
In 1993 the band finally called it a day, what kind of reasons did lead to the band's break at the end?
It was logistics and lack of real passion. I was living in Chicago and commuting back to Michigan to work on the demos and I never really felt that they were as good as the older material. After awhile I just decided that I'd had enough and it was time to move on.
What have you done after Repulsion disbanded? Did you play in several projects, did you form another bands or.? Can you tell us everything?
I've played with Cathedral and played in some local bands in Chicago and Los Angeles. I released a couple singles with a Chicago band called Hushdrops which was a pure pop band and I also did a single and a full length CD with a Los Angeles hard rock band called The Superbees.
Did you keep an eye on what's going on in the underground? I mean, did you follow with attention the developing of the underground scene?
Not too much. There were a few bands I liked but I didn't get too involved in the scene.
Would you say, that the whole death/grindcore scene reached its peak around '89/90, but in two years it went out of fashion?
If it did it sure has made a comeback. It feels like death metal is bigger now than ever. It's influence can be seen and heard in lots of mainstream places.
Do you think, that as it is with band of such legendary statue, will Repulsion live forever as the true Godfathers of Grinding Death Thrash,with several imitators and no equal?
I can't answer that. We made one record and a few people seem to like it very much. I'm grateful for that.
In 2004 you released a DVD called "Necrothology" and although this isn't distributed by any record label or anything, it is on the official Repulsion website and the band are producing this DVD which showcases various live performances spanning the band's career, whose idea was this material? Would you give us details on this stuff?
The DVD has not come out yet but we still plan on getting it together one of these days. It will span the entire existence of Repulsion. The details are still up in the air.
At which point did Repulsion reform? Was the first step of the reformation the release of the DVD or…?
We were asked by Relapse if we would be interested in doing Milwaukee Metal Fest to commemorate the re-release of Horrified and we said"yes". After that, people kept calling to book the band and that's how it stands today. If someone wants to book Repulsion we will weigh the offer and proceed from there.
Did you only play some live performances or do you plan to record a brandnew full length record as well?
There are no plans to record anything. Too much time has passed. We enjoy getting together to play once in a while but that's it.
The present line up consists of Scott Carlsson, Matt Olivio, Matt Harvey and Col Jones, how did they get in the pictureexactly? What about Dave, Fish and Aaron these days?
Dave and Aaron are still living in Michigan. That's the reason we had to bring Matt and Col into the band. It was not possible to prepare a quality live performance with the band divided by thousands of miles. Matt and Col know Repulsion as well as we do and are the perfect fit for us.
What about Death Breath considering your appearance in that band?
Well, that's Nicke and Robert's band. I add vocals to a few tracks on each release and provide bass and vocals to their live shows. The live side of Death Breath is more band oriented rather than Robert and Nicke doing everything themselves. It's a lot of fun and hopefully it will continue.
As I as know, Dejecta reformed as well, does it mean, that you Matt, concentrates both on Repulsion and on Dejecta?
Dejecta has not reformed. They releasd a split single in Japan recently but the band does not exist anymore and I don't believe they ever reformed.
What about your future plans as a whole?
No plans for Repulsion. As I've said, we don't go out looking for gigs. If they come to us we are interested but we don't seek it out.
In your opinion did it succeed for Repulsion reaching a cult status in the underground? Is the band's name still big and it's in still people's minds?
We feel like Repulsion has been modestly successful. Our name is mentioned in metal history books and has been remembered while so many others have fallen through the cracks. It still seems to be in people's minds and we are very happy for that!
Scott, thanks a lot for the feature, anything to add what I forgot to mention?
After this four part interview I don't think you forgot to mention one thing! Thanks for keeping the spirit of the underground alive!
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